Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Red Pants

New swing at playground at Atlantic Ave; same red pants.  G enjoys consistency.

Monday, June 21, 2010

G. Diddy honors Father's Day!

G wanted to celebrate Father's Day by making something very special and personal for dad. He decided to cover a great music video (albeit a raunchy one) that has crept into the daily home routine.  The music video Boats 'N Hoes was by far the best part of the film Step Brothers, and we wouldn't be surprised if G is chanting the song title from that little ditty all on his own in the next couple of months.

G was pimped out for the photo shoot. (Note that we did this at a local playground. I'm wondering what the other mothers/nannies thought of it...)

Here's the money shot:

And some other nice photos from the shoot:

It's hard out here for a pimp.

Big pimpin' up in NYC.

Special thanks to Bopkat Vintage for the excellent props. Note that these creepy little tugboats were meant to be baby bath sponges.  Sweet.

Lovely lady number 1.

Lovely lady number 2.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Special sauce.

Little G sandwich.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Two-faced, too cute.

Like father, like son... Thanks for the great pic little A!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Overprotective father?

Thanks to Martin for this super sweet photo.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rain sucks.

Thank goodness little G has this great toy and his trusty thumb to pass away the soggy hours.  Thanks Mrs. Hirsch!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

B-Dang for Mom!

The boys got together for a photo-op for Mom's birthday.  It looks like G wanted a piece of Fionn's face again ....  Ernie saw something interesting on the floor.  Boys will be boys.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Bopkat kitty warning system is now installed.  Fionn and Ernie will always know when G is on the move.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Ur doin it wrong.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Stovetop catfish... so easy a baby can do it.  G does it all the time when no one is looking.

Step 1. Put cat in one of three positions on stovetop.

position 1

position 2

position 3

Step 2.  Cook

Step 3.  Eat and relax.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Shadow puppet

Little G has discovered shadows and he likes them in a big way.  He's a fan of mom's shadow, but he also has been known to play with (and talk to) the shadow of his own hand when perched on the makeshift changing table in uncle Eric's bedroom.
White wall + excellent backlight = fantastic shadows.

Here's G checking out his swingin' shadow at the near-by playground.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Z is for ZOO!

Not only is the Como Park Zoo in St. Paul free, it totally rocked G's world! Here's a recap of yesterday's adventure...

This kitteh weighs more than Fionn!  G wants a side-by-side comparison to be sure.  Maybe in August...

G giggled at the sea lions and bounced as they swam by.

G and granddad train for the sea lion show.

G waited to see these guys do their happy feet dance or hang-ten.  It never happened, but G is sure that they were up to something...

Looking for more catfish.

Horsing around!  G enjoyed the lights and the mirrors.  It was like a magic show plus horses and an old-timey organ.  We were sad that there wasn't a spaceship hovering above...

G and granddad made up a song about the events of the day (single available on iTunes soon).

Our little happy camper dozed off after a long fun-filled day in his sleep-away tent.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gone fishin'

Minnesota... land of 10,000 lakes and at least 10,000 catfish.

The big ones are biting...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hey, Der!

Derek talks mano el mano with little G.

G surprises Der with the life lessons he's learned from the hip-hop.  G's up...