At 5:32 am this morning, George Allen finally arrived after a rather long and exhausting delivery. He weighed in at 7 lbs and 15 oz and measured at 20 1/8". A manageable size. Kirsten looks great, but is very tired, and I hope she's getting some overdue sleep! I think I'm about to crawl into bed myself and count the minutes until I get to hold the little one again. He is healthy, he is beautiful, he is loud. And he has a full head of curly, brown hair. Already, he has one up on me....
Becky joined us early yesterday morning and stayed with us until George's birth. She was simply outstanding, providing Kirsten with support, me with support, and little George with love. I don't think we could have done it without her. Even more amazingly, she went to work this morning. If you see her, buy her a coffee, or offer to carry her home, or some small token that represents the Herculean task of staying with Kirsten and me through the night at the hospital.
Finally, I hope to get my haircut (finally) this afternoon. Yeah, pretty anticlimatic end to this blog posting. One last look at the wild man show above (and my poor boy will probably flinch the first - or eighth - time he recognizes his old man holding him as an infant.) Much love to everyone.
Congratulations you guys! So happy your little one is finally here!
i finally just caught up on the news of your little one congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations! amazing! he is gorgeous and you both are going to be (already are) the bestest parents. sending you much love from maine! xox
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