Those of you clamoring for a resolution from the last nail-biting, cliffhanging, car-rolling, mountain-exploding, sky-diving, bunjee-jumping, hydrocraft roaring extravaganza (Grandpa's arrival), George vocalizes accordingly.
Already George very much enjoys falling asleep on Dave, who tirelessly paces up and down our short, living room floor to quiet the wee one. George Allen has begun fairly early in giving his parents new wrinkles. He decided to elevate his temperature and make his eyes gooey. Fear not, his temperature never climbed into dangerous territory and we'll make a special visit to the pediatrician this afternoon. (The visit is designed to calm new parents rather than the patient, who is at the moment snoozing very peacefully.)
Kirsten expects George to wake in the next little bit, so dad better hop in the shower while the hopping is good!
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