Friday, March 5, 2010

Night Crawler?

We're pretty sure he's crawling, but not when we're watching ....
George got his next round of shots today, and he basically slept off the pain.  Good boy.  He now weighs in at 15 lbs, nearly twice his birth weight, and his length is 25 inches.  Also, he and the pediatrician arrived at a needed truce; he didn't pee on her (this time.)


Anonymous said...

I can't get over the cuteness. - M.K.

GirlVirgo72 said...

wow he's getting so big so fast - wasn't he like JUST BORN? We must make a playdate when the weather gets nicer. Big hugs and smooches from the Gerenas & Graceland to Georgie, Momma and Poppa!