Friday, February 11, 2011

Let the fur fly.

Dear Frankie (the cat),

Thank you for your very thoughtful gift.  How did you know that I was in need of a new nap box?  The trouble is that it has started a bit of a war in the house.  I have been competing with Ernie (the cat) for box time over the past few years, but now that G is stepping into the ring, things are even tougher around here.  If you could please send over a new box, clearly marked "For Fionn ONLY" I would be much obliged.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Fionn (the cat)

Note that in this video G is making excellent airplane noises; just like world champion box pilot, Dad.


Alicia said...

Um, yeah. I have a pretty hard time believing Fionn actually wrote that. The last time I saw him he didn't even know what a gerund was, let alone knowing how to use an idiomatic expression such as "stepping into the ring." This post has got Babcock written all over it, and I suspect George, because he is obviously interested in acquiring new boxes. Fionn's literary prowess seems to be limited to eating magazines containing articles he disagrees with. Sorry-- articles with which he disagrees.

Anonymous said...

Fionn digresses, or rather, digests your comment, purple-head.