Friday, January 7, 2011

A day of firsts and lasts

After a teething marathon in 2010 (15 teeth!) the last pearly white #16 settled in today. That means he now has all of his baby teeth with the exception of his 2 year molars (4 additional teeth). G is pleased to have a bit of a break from the teething grind. Now he can concentrate on more pressing issues such as running, climbing, and building kitten booby traps with his new tool kit.

In other exciting news, G had his first haircut this afternoon. Our good friend (and hairstylist hero) Steph trimmed his hair in a flash (no time for tears) and he was delighted when he saw the results in the mirror. Now he is super cute AND stylish!


Jackemo said...

George rocks the casbah

bnawrocki said...

Yay tool kit saw action! Tell G I'm coming to visit next month and I expect to see some results. Anything less than a fully functioning Fionn flattener will be a huge disappointment.

deluxa said...

dayammmm! that kid is cute!!!